What 9 best fitness apps for workouts?

It’s not practically possible for everyone to go to the gym to work out. Then what next? These apps, which I will discuss, act as your personal trainer and motivate you to stay focused, eat a healthy diet, and work out. These days, there are so many fitness apps doing the rounds on the net. We have found the best world-class apps that will help you achieve your fitness goals and follow a strict diet regime. These days, fitness is very important to stay healthy, and to stay fit, it is not at all necessary to go to the gym and waste thousands of rupees. You can stay home and activate the fitness app on your device. Let’s discuss some of the top fitness apps here.

  1. Nike Training Club: This app is available on both iOS and Android devices. It has exercises for a 30-minute to 2-hour workout. It has short exercises for a short duration and at a worked-out pace. There are exercises for an abs workout as well. You can sync this app with your smart watch and work out. It has a feature known as run tracking, workout reminders, etc. Hence, these features make it outstanding compared to other apps.
  2. Workout Trainer: This is again one of the best fitness apps. If you are looking to work out with very basic equipment or no equipment, then this is the most appropriate app. This app is available on both iOS and Android devices. It provides training from expert coaches. The exercises that are available on this app are guided step by step with photos and videos for you to understand much better. This app can be connected to your smartwatch as well, and it monitors your heart rate as well.
  3. Simply yoga: This app simply comes with the yoga videos. To work out these videos, you don’t have to have any heavy equipment. It’s all simple yoga exercises of different video lengths. If you don’t have much time and you can spend only 15 minutes, you have video exercises only for that amount of time. All that you need for this yoga exercise is a yoga mat and a yoga towel. Simple Yoga is available on iOS as well as Android devices.
  4. Minute Workout: Just as the name suggests, this app provides short videos that are very easy to understand and do. Every exercise is neatly explained step by step, and it has a voiceover as well to help you do the exercise. The best feature of this app is that you can set a timer to note how many seconds or minutes you took to complete an exercise and how many exercises you completed in one workout. This app is available on iOS and Android devices as well.
  5. Adidas Runtastic: Runtastic is the best app if you are interested in running to keep yourself healthy and fit. It acts as a personal trainer for you, keeping a record of how long you have run, your mile pace, and your heart rate. This app is available on iOS and Android devices. You can connect this to your smartwatch, and it will show the progress you have made. You can customise your profile on this app by making it visible to others so that they can follow your progress. If you wish, you can change the background image on the app as well.
  6. 8fit: It’s an app that talks not only about workouts but also meal planning. It’s good for people who also want a chart for meal planning. Whatever goals you set at the time of profile creation, it will create a personalised programme for your diet and exercise. Once you tell 8fit what your goals are, it will plan out your workout videos and create a meal plan of what you should eat. Through this app, you can track your weight and other activities. It will also tell you how much calorie intake is appropriate for the day.
  7. FitOn: This app is available on iOS and Android devices, and you can also connect it with your smart watch for better tracking. This app has workouts depending on how much time you can spend working out and the level of your intensity. It has video-based exercises where you can focus on certain parts of your body like your thighs, abs, buttocks, etc. It also monitors your heart rate while you work out. You can make your profile public so that you can get on the leaderboard and share computers with others. You can also get a personalised meal plan, but you will have to pay a little amount to avail of this device.
  8. Jet Fit: Jet Fit keeps track of how much weight you have lifted, and it doesn’t limit it only to weightlifting but also to other workout exercises. This app lets you track your own body measurements on a day-to-day basis so that you can know if you have gained or lost weight depending on the gaps you set to achieve. This app has an inbuilt calendar where it keeps track of all your workouts, training schedule, and what’s next for you. You have a lot of free workouts on this app, but if you are an intense workout person, then there is an elite membership that is available on this app.
  9. Jillian Michael Fitness: In this app, Jillian Michael will be your coach. There are numerous exercises on this app where you don’t have an excuse to say you couldn’t finish the exercise. It tells you what type of workout fits your body and what meal planning you should have according to the goals that you want to achieve. Women who are in their first, second, and third trimesters will also find suitable exercise to stay fit and healthy. If anyone is looking to shed some weight or gain some weight, then Jillian Michaels app is the best one to follow.

Hence, with this much information available and depending on the goals that you have set to achieve, you can choose the app that best suits your needs. But my suggestion is don’t go away without choosing a workout app, as it is very important to stay fit and healthy. As most of us don’t have time to regularly go to the gym because of our office work schedule, these apps are very convenient as we can work out from the comfort of our homes.

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